One of the main benefits of joining the u3a is the opportunity to participate in our special Interest Groups which bring together members with similar interests or those looking to get into something different. We have a wide variety of interest groups running very successfully – you can use the list on this page to find out more about each one.
A group isn’t a course of study, it is a group of members learning from each other and they themselves are in control of what goes on. Sometimes there may be an external speaker or, more rarely, an expert tutor but the principle stays the same: we learn from each other.
Each group meets, on average, once or twice a month, usually in central Cardiff but occasionally in fellow members’ homes.
As the compère of the ‘Good Old Days’ would say: Mainly Yourselves.
Groups do not have to include an expert on the chosen subject, as all members learn from each other, or join together to research their interests. Whilst a member has to be nominated as a convenor or facilitator for each group, they are only as an administrator, that person does not have to be any more experienced in the subject of interest than the rest of the group.