Bus Pass Thursdays

Contact: Mario Greening

You may join the group at any point during the year.

This group will arrange trips by public transport that accept the Concessionary Bus Pass. At the destination we start with coffee before moving on to explore the destination itself. A leisurely lunch follows. Each of the destination’s coffee shops and restaurants have been visited prior to each trip to ensure they reach a high standard of service and menu.

Places must be booked in advance, preferably by email, and not before the time and date included in the email inviting you to book a place. You should preferably have an email address as all communication for the trips are normally by email.

Please note that you must become a member of the Bus Pass Thursday Group before you can book to come on a trip.

Bus Pass Thursday visit Brecon and its canal
Bus Pass Thursday visit Brecon and its canal

The journeys will start from Central Cardiff. Destinations involve an hour or so travel on the bus(s). Places are allocated on a first come first served basis to existing Group members.

By becoming a member of the Bus Pass Thursday Group you acknowledge that it will be expected of you to participate as often as possible in the Group’s trips.

Visiting the Blaenavon Heritage Centre
Visiting the Blaenavon Heritage Centre

Meetings Calendar

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Latest news from the group

News on the Non-u3a Items of Interest page

Published 15th May 2024

A reminder that we sometimes add items that may of interest to the Non-u3a Items of Interest page.



Published 1st January 2023

Social Media can be a bit like Marmite – you either love it or you don’t.  When used nicely it can have many uses.  It can be informative and help spread the news. 

Cardiffu3a has a Facebook page.  The easiest way to find it is either via this link or by going to the top right of the Cardiffu3a homepage and clicking on the Facebook icon.

For those of you who are active Facebook users could we encourage you to give us a ‘Like’ and a ‘follow’.  You may become aware of a new Interest Group you may like to join. 

We often get asked about the best way to advertise Cardiffu3a and bring in new members.  There’s no doubting that word-of-mouth is probably the surest method of achieving that.   

Sharing the occasional Cardiffu3a Facebook post with your friends can also help spread the word. It’s fairly effortless and you never know where it may lead.  Thanks for your consideration.  

This is where to find the Facebook link on our Homepage.