
If you have reached the point at which you have finished working full-time or raising your family and have time to pursue your interests or just try something new, the Cardiff u3a is for you.  We have a ‘university’ of members who draw upon their knowledge and experience to teach and learn from each other but there are no qualifications to pass – it is just for pleasure.

These aren’t courses or formal training, just groups of people who get together regularly for mutual interest in a subject such as history or singing or practicing a language and many other areas of interest. People who believe that learning is its own reward.

See the link About the Cardiff u3a for more details.

Want to Get Involved or Help Out?

See our Situations Vacant page which has details of volunteer posts within Cardiff u3a.

Latest news

In Memoriam

Sadly, Val Ward, a long-standing and active member of Cardiff u3a passed away last week. She will be remembered most recently for her lively contributions to both the ‘Prose and Poetry’ and ‘Literature through the Ages’ groups where she regularly brought a smile to our faces with humorous rhymes recited from memory and societal context […]

Cardiff u3a Christmas Lunch 2024: Booking is Open

It is time to view the menu for Christmas lunch and get your bookings to Shelagh Passey. Places are limited so booking early is advised. Date: Friday 6th December Time: 12.40pm for 1.00pm Venue: Clayton Hotel, St Mary Street, CF10 1GD. Booking deadline: Friday 18th October. Booking details are on the booking form and in […]

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Our next monthly meetings

13th August 2024 at 14:00

Behind the Green Baize Door

Paul Busby

Paul Busby a guide at The National Trust property, Tredegar House presents an intriguing insight into the world of ‘Below Stairs’ at the house. Paul explains how we know far ...

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Paulina B on Unsplash

10th September 2024 at 14:00

The Ghost Story in 19th century Popular Fiction

Mike Bailey

Mike Bailey presents this intriguing topic. More details to follow!

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Latest Interest Group Updates

Books by Members

Successful Book Launch

Dorothy Al-Khafaji celebrated the launch of her latest book Moving On – Sometimes Love is not Enough in The Wellfield Bookshop, Cardiff with U3A members, family and other friends. Moving ...

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Recent Sunday Ride – The Bay/Penarth/Cosmeston Lakes

We had a lovely cycling day adventure on Sunday, 14th July. After meeting at Pettigrews Tea Rooms, we headed down the Taff Trail to Cardiff Bay and crossed the white ...

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Slow Train Coming


A brief report on the Cardiff u3a trip to Swansea in July 2024.

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One week at Wordsmiths

Wordsmiths Writers Group met last week to share some pieces including a writing stimulus piece called ‘The First Day at School’ by William Saroyan.  This was followed by three short ...

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Writers Enjoying Words

WEW Pick of the Month – July 2024

A short poem this time, which may resonate with many – Treasure by Jacqueline Harret

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Our trip to Bath

After talking about it for a long time a small group of Film Group members embarked on our first trip on Monday June 3rd.  We meet monthly in Chapter but ...

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