
This page contains information about the activities of the Cardiff u3a.

We may also include news items relating to other u3as or the Third Age Trust where these are relevant.

We are sometimes asked to publicise events run by a local organisation or to assist in projects. These may be referenced here as being of interest to individual members but are not otherwise endorsed by Cardiff u3a.

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In Memoriam

Published 20th July 2024

Sadly, Val Ward, a long-standing and active member of Cardiff u3a passed away last week. She will be remembered most recently for her lively contributions to both the ‘Prose and Poetry’ and ‘Literature through the Ages’ groups where she regularly brought a smile to our faces with humorous rhymes recited from memory and societal context […]

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Cardiff u3a Christmas Lunch 2024: Booking is Open

Published 20th July 2024

It is time to view the menu for Christmas lunch and get your bookings to Shelagh Passey. Places are limited so booking early is advised. Date: Friday 6th December Time: 12.40pm for 1.00pm Venue: Clayton Hotel, St Mary Street, CF10 1GD. Booking deadline: Friday 18th October. Booking details are on the booking form and in […]

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