Slow Train Coming


The fact it was a General Election day didn’t deter a group of us from heading west to explore Swansea on a fine but blustery day.

Our first stop was right outside the station where there is a blue plaque to musician Peter Ham of Badfinger. We talked briefly about some other people and the history of Swansea before heading down to the castle.  There we tried to imagine what the castle looked like in former times, much larger and guarding the nearby river.  Our attention was also drawn by the former Castle Cinema and the nearby sculpture, Leaf Boat by Amber Hiscott.

We then headed down towards the marina via the historic Wind Street, admiring the varied architecture and trying to pick out some buildings with historical connections.  A brief detour took us up Salubrious Passage and a bit of Dylan Thomas sculpture. 

Ted apologised for the talks not having the usual ‘untruths’ scattered among them, the reason being that in preparation for today he had discovered a family connection with Dylan Thomas which had diverted his time.  He has written it up in this article: My Dylan Thomas connection.

Dylan Thomas and the Dylan Thomas museum
Captain Cat and Swansea Marina

Once in the Marina area we visited the lovely Dylan Thomas museum.  Some then headed for the other museums in the area whilst others grabbed some sustenance.  Others may have caught a glimpse of the Captain Cat sculpture by Robert Thomas, the same sculptor that made the Miner and his Family in Llwynypia we saw last month.  After lunch we regrouped and walked over the new Copr Bridge back into the centre of Swansea and visited the market.  Some of us purchased some of the local delicacy, larverbread, made from seaweed.

Copr Bridge and Sir Hussey Vivian

Notes used on the day.
