Enjoying Science

Convenor: Margaret Richards

The Enjoying Science group meets on the first Wednesday of the month in the afternoon.

The group aims to take topics in science and explore them in a variety of ways; by having talks, watching videos, doing research and discussing their observations and findings.

Examples of previous topics :

Sept 22 Fungi – biology, new findings and innovations
Oct 22Vaccination – how does it work and what about those Covid vaccines?
Nov 22Seabirds in Wales and Beyond the Horizon  (Dr Rob Thomas)
Dec 22Colour-collaborative presentation by members of the group
Jan 233D Printing; A Universal Technological Revolution (Dr Stuart Swinburne)
Feb 23Understanding the Origins of Pancreatic Cancer (Dr Beatrix Salvador)
Mar 23Climate Change -group research and discussion meeting
Apr 23International Development (Dr Kay Richmond)
May  23Dog Genetics and Disease (Prof Matt Smalley)
Jun 23DNA Fingerprinting and Forensics (Dr Rhian Morgan)
Jul 23Parkinson’s disease (Dr Mariah Lelos)

The group is made up of people who have a background in science and people who are interested in learning more about science. The topics covered are mostly suggested by the group with occasional input from visiting speakers.

New members are welcome, all that is needed is an interest in learning something new. 

U3a communities (for all groups in the UK) also have monthly online meetings. The meeting groups are Science and Technology, Rocket Science and Climate Change. To get more information contact the Convenor or go to  https://u3acommunities.org/science/ 

September 2024

Wednesday 4th September

14:00 – 15:30
Enjoying Science

Ted Talks

Members of the group will talk for 5-10 minutes on science related topics or their careers in science.

October 2024

Wednesday 2nd October

14:00 – 15:30
Enjoying Science

Racemisation and Drug Effectivity

Dr Niek Buurma, Senior Lecturer in Physical Organic Chemistry at Cardiff University will explain how drugs can have mirror images with different effectivity and the work his department has done in finding out how to make drugs safe by design.

November 2024

Wednesday 6th November

14:00 – 15:30
Enjoying Science

My experiments with Computer Graphics – or is it Computer Art – over the last 50 years

Marcus West will share his fascination with the way fundamental Mathematical rules can be manipulated to create engaging visual works, something that ultimately led him into a lifelong dialogue between the computer and art.

December 2024

Wednesday 4th December

14:00 – 15:30
Enjoying Science

Motion Correction in MRI

Dr Daniel Gallichan, lecturer in Medical Imaging in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, will share his research into a way of compensating for movement during an MRI scan.
