Art Appreciation

Contact the Convenor

This group meets on the third Thursday of the month.

July 18th

Mary Lloyd Jones – Passion and Protest.

Mary Lloyd Jones is a rare being. A Welsh speaking woman with a growing international profile, whose paintings now sell for thousands of pounds. Mary says of her work:

Sky study -Turner

“My aim is to reflect my relationship with the land, an awareness of history, and the treasures of our literary and oral traditions”.

Her work comes from her surroundings around Aberystwyth, with its scarred landscape bearing the legacy of lead and silver mining. She has also painted in Ireland, the USA, Italy, Spain SW England, always seeking and demonstrating the shapes and colours of the landscape.

Edgar Degas
watercolour landscape

June 13th

Cardiff School of Art and Design Summer Show

Cardiff Met, Llandaff Campus

May 16th

Dic Aberdaron,
by William Roos,

Welsh art in context

How do you earn a living as an artist in a rural country with little claim to wealth and connections?

We take a break from the excitement of the early modern artists to look at an itinerant portrait painter in the 19th century. A mixture of history and art, unfolding not only what makes a portrait, but also something about the people who wanted to have their ‘likeness’ captured.

unknown woman by William Roos

April 18th

Landscape with chimney – Kandinsky
Gabriele Münter
– Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky and Gabriele Münter

Kandinsky and Munter were ground-breaking international artists in Munich at the start of the 20th century They wanted to explore sound and spiritual questions relating to the arts using vivid colour and clear delineated form. Kandinsky is also often referred to as one of the father of abstract work.

Münter’s courage in asserting herself against the social norms of the day are remarkable as is her ability to step out from Kandinsky’s shadow. Her paintings are vivid and striking, with strong shapes and a clear graphic framework.

March 21st

We visited the Holbourne Museum in Bath to see the Gwen John exhibition

February 15th 2024

Wyndham Lewis Workshop 1914

The Vorticists

The turbulence of the early 20th century was reflected in revolutionary artistic movements not only in Europe, but in Great Britain too . Cubists in France, Expressionists in Germany, Futurists in Italy, Rayonists in Russia and the Vorticist group here. Young artists, then as now, wanted to challenge the establishment and break new ground.

January 18 2024

Four Cubists from Ukraine, Switzerland, Russia and Spain .

Three of them studied and spent time in Paris as part of the Cubist circle we are so familiar with. They demonstrate the universality of the early 20th century art movement. We will discuss their influences and look at how they spanned the whole range of Expressionism. Fauvism, Cubism and Orphism, adding their own distinctive stamp and claiming their place in early 20thcentury art.

Alice Bailly Switzerland

Sonia Delauney Russia, now Ukraine

María Blanchard Spain

Natalia Goncharova Russia

October 19th

The German Expressionists – Die Brücke (The Bridge)

Schmidt Rottluff woman with a bag

Ernst Kirchner Berlin street 1910

Eric Heckel White House 1908

The impressionists were breaking boundaries in art but the expressionists were making political and revolutionary protest.

The manifesto of 1906 stated

‘we want to achieve freedom of life and action against the well established older forces’.

In art this freedom involved blending elements of old German art and African and South Pacific tribal art, with post-impressionism and fauvism to create a distinctive modern style”

September 21 2023


Viaduct at L’Estaque 1908 Braque
Henri Matisse
The Green line
Henri Matisse
Self Portrait

Last year we started our journey with the founding group of French Impressionists, looking in some detail at the paintings of Manet, Morisot, Degas, Pissarro and Renoir.

The Impressionist Mary Cassatt brought us to the American painters, and others working outside France who do not always have the prominence of the French artists. British painters included Whistler and Sisley’s Penarth and Gower paintings.

With Post Impressionists, we have touched on Paul Cezanne, Henri Rousseau, Camille Pissarro and Georges Seurat – all big personalities who deserve more time in the future.

We finished the year with The Glasgow girls – long over-shadowed by the Boys (Rennie Mackintosh), and then going to some Welsh artists – Sisley of course, but also some early industrial artists such as George Childs and Penry Williams. Finally we studied and visited Frank Brangwyn’s Empire Panels in Swansea.

August 2024

Thursday 15th August

10:00 – 11:00
Art Appreciation

Glynn Vivian Gallery Swansea

A really interesting exhibition, celebrating 25 years of the Wakelin Award – modern art made by artists living and working in Wales at the time of the award. Anyone who has seen Art of the Selfie will recognise one of the artists who has a piece in both exhibitions.

September 2024

Thursday 19th September

13:00 – 14:00
Art Appreciation

October 2024

Thursday 17th October

13:00 – 14:00
Art Appreciation

November 2024

Thursday 21st November

13:00 – 14:00
Art Appreciation

December 2024

Thursday 19th December

13:00 – 14:00
Art Appreciation

Visit to The Brangwyn Empire Panels in The Guildhall, Swansea.

Originally painted for the Royal Gallery of the Palace of Westminster, in honour of the Peers and their sons who died in WW1. They were thought to be too colourful for that setting, but were snapped up for Swansea’s new Guildhall in 1934

The Empire Panels in the Brangwyn Hall towered above us. Wonderfully vivid colours and a reminder of how the British saw the Empire in the early 20th century

We were shown the first panel submitted to the Palace of Westminster, now behind glass in a committee room. It depicts North Africa with date palms, lush plants and animals.

We found the most interesting pictures in a nearby corridor. They were smaller studies, squared up ready to be transferred onto the huge final panels. We could clearly see the progression of Brangwyn’s ideas as he included the details of people, plants and animals.
