Tabletop Games

Contact the Convenor Martin Benton

Did you enjoy the boardgame you played with the family over Xmas? Did you play boardgames when you were younger? Do you like to play boardgames but have problems getting together a like-minded group of friends? Then come along to the group and join in.

The group will get together once a month to play a variety of new and old board games and card games. This won’t be “heavy” games like chess or hex and the U3A already has groups for traditional card games. Rather we will be playing “casual” games designed for fun rather than deep strategy and analysis.

Some games we’ve been playing recently include Ticket to Ride, Catan, Carcassonne and Forbidden Island, among others.  No experience required.  Just come along and play.

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Latest news from the group

Interested in Dungeons and Dragons?

Published 30th March 2023

A group of u3a members are forming a Dungeons & Dragons group which will be separate to the Tabletop Games group. There are already four potential members but another one or two are needed to make the group viable.

If you’ve never played D&D, you might well have some misconceptions. Yes, it uses the fantasy genre but, with the success of Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, this is mainstream nowadays. Yes, dice will be rolled. But, at its heart, it’s all about telling a story. The players are the protagonists and the decisions they make and the actions they take create a narrative unique to the group. Some famous “storytellers” who have played the game include Stephen King, Robin Williams and Steven Spielberg.

If you’ve played before, then here’s your chance to get back into the game. However, no previous experience is required. D&D is the easiest game to learn simply by playing. Just bring your imagination!

If you’d like to join us or just want to know a bit more about the game, please contact Martin Benton at

Inaugural Meeting

Published 28th February 2023

Come along and play on Friday 3rd March at 10.30am in the old cafe at City URC Windsor Place CF10 3BZ.

Did you enjoy the boardgame you played with the family over Xmas? Did you play boardgames when you were younger? Do you like to play boardgames but have problems getting together a like-minded group of friends? Then come along to the group and join in.
The group will get together once a month to play a variety of new and old board games and card games. They will be playing “casual” games designed for fun rather than deep strategy and analysis.
