
Click >> HERE << to contact our Group Convenor

We run a Whatsapp group so that members can consider upcoming rides, talk about bikes, their maintenance and any special events going on.

We are leisurely, fair weather cyclists – some even have electric bikes. We often have a coffee, a drink, picnic or meal to make our rides more fun.

So Please Join Our Group ! The More the Merrier ! Give it a Go this Summer !



We had a lovely cycling day adventure on Sunday, 14th July. After meeting at Pettigrews Tea Rooms, we headed down the Taff Trail to Cardiff Bay and crossed the Ely River via the white pedestrian bridge into Penarth Marina. We then headed to the Barrage and took a right turning up a long long hill (which we walked) into Penarth.

We then decided to make a day of it and rode through Penarth via cycle trails to Cosmeston Lakes. After a 20 minute sit down and refreshments we then rode back a different way. We followed a bike trail, in the middle of beautiful countryside, which used to be an old railway line and then into country lanes which led us to the Merry Harriers pub. From there we dropped down to the Bay again and retraced our steps or should I say retraced our pedal strokes.

Join us next time ! Do not miss out on our fantastic adventures !!


We had a great ride up the Taff Trail. Martyn showed us how to avoid the roads by picking a way along cycle trails. It felt like we were totally immersed in the countryside.

The staff were very friendly and helpful. Prices were very reasonable. We sat outside at the rear of the museum adjacent to the garden. Time just flew and before we knew it, it was time to leave ! Definitely, another visit is on the cards.

FOREST CAFE, TONGWYNLAIS – Mid May and 20th June, 2024

I know what you are all thinking – why am I displaying a picture of a group of Cheshire Cats here ? Yes they are all grinning and enjoying that fantastic place – Forest Cafe. A rural, organic group of timber buildings set in a Forest. And really friendly staff, good food and reasonable prices to boot ! Now you know the secret of the Cheshire Grin. This was our second visit this year

Our ride was about 40 minutes each way and mostly on flat cycle paths. Starting at Pettigrews Tea Rooms, Bute Park, we rode gently up the Taff Trail, appreciating the beauty of the river and trees that run alongside it.

Our journey ended at Forest Cafe, just beyond Tongwynlais. Such pleasant weather too. What a great day !


Fantastic weather took us to St. Fagans through glorious countryside. We walked to and spent the entire time in the newly re-built Vulcan Hotel – a Cardiff icon ! The Amber Ale was very nice indeed as was the conversation. There was even sawdust on the floor which made the whole experience authentic. In attendance were Dave and Sue, Rob, Martyn, Chris, yet another Dave and Sean (not pictured). Some pictures below :-


In early December we ventured down the Ely River Trail, down into Penarth Marina and across the Barrage. We had coffee and a great chat at the Norwegian Church. Rob, Sean and Chris were in attendance.

On 15th December we rode from Pettigrews down the Taff Trail, again into Penarth Marina and across the Barrage. We had drinks in the Mount Stuart pub. There were 5 of us this time, the more the merrier as they say. We had a great conversation and headed back just before the dark overcame us (I’m talking about the light, not our mood). Pictured from Left to Right – Rob, Joy, Sean, Stuart and David. There is NO Santa Claus in this photograph, despite rumours.


Delyth, who used to work at St. Fagans, suggested and showed us around Llwyn yr Eos Farm (Nightingale Grove Farm).  There was so much to see just at this one part of the Museum – will have to make another couple of trips before the summer is over to see the rest of the place.   It was a fantastic day ..  bright and sunny and quite warm in the sun.  It was wonderfull to see the animals there, especially the sow suckling 10 or 12 little piglets.

The ride was great, not too difficult at all.  it was challenging in a good way.  We travelled via several new bike lanes/paths in the Canton area.  The one behind the new estate off Paper Mill Road was especially impressive. Then we rode into Wroughton Road, along the river Ely path, into Bwlch Road in Fairwater then through the countryside to St. Fagans, glorious countryside !

All of us had a great time – some with iced coffees too – and plenty of conversation at our destination 🙂  We even got to practice a little Welsh !

In the picture, left to right.. Myself, Delyth, Martyn and Jan and enjoy the pictures of the little piglets too !


This turned out to be a very pleasant ride with a new member joining us.  Despite the numbers away over the Easter Period we still managed to muster 5 of us.  It was dry and not too warm – perfect conditions.  We extended our journey a little and went for a picnic to the Forest Farm Picnic Area.  Whilst we ate our Tuna sandwiches a squirel came up close asking for food, but we had no nuts. 🙁 .. We then continued to have a look at Radyr Hydro-electric station – there are picnic tables there too but we didn’t have any human food left to eat :(.  Our journey continued to the Glamorgan Canal .. a couple of ducks came close by asking for food, but again, we had no bread or bird seeds for them. 🙁 We have severely let the wildlife down on this occassion !  However it was good to get out and stretch our legs in such beautifull environments.


We had a great ride down to Cardiff Bay, weaving our way along the Taff Trail and visiting the Wetlands on the way. We ended with a drink, a meal and chat at the Weatherspoons pub. We talked a great deal about cycling and about the possibility of organising rides by taking our bikes on the train to Port Talbot/Swansea etc. and riding the along local trails there.


We had a very enjoyable gentle ride in early Spring to the Tynant Arms, Morganstown, Radyr. We met another u3a on the way .. walkers from Garth Olwg u3a I believe ? In the pub we had a very interesting chat, and some of us had a meal.

Some pics from our last ride to the Tynant Arms, kindly provided by Martyn :-

Latest news from the group

Recent Sunday Ride – The Bay/Penarth/Cosmeston Lakes

Published 11th July 2024

We had a lovely cycling day adventure on Sunday, 14th July. After meeting at Pettigrews Tea Rooms, we headed down the Taff Trail to Cardiff Bay and crossed the white pedestrian bridge into Penarth Marina. We then headed to the Barrage and took a right turning up a long long hill (which we walked) into Penarth.

We then decided to make a day of it and rode through Penarth via cycle trails to Cosmeston Lakes. After a 20 minute sit down and refreshments we then rode back a different way. We followed a bike trail, in the middle of beautiful countryside, which used to be an old railway line and then into country lanes which led us to the Merry Harriers pub. From there we dropped down to the Bay again and retraced our steps or should I say retraced our pedal strokes.

Join us next time ! Do not miss out on our fantastic adventures !!

Recent Ride to Nantgarw Pottery and Tea Rooms

Published 23rd June 2024

And yet another interesting ride.

We headed up the Taff Trail and visited Nantgarw Pottery and Tea Shop. The weather was mostly nice and dry. A little bit of drizzle came along but it did not develope very much at all. The staff there were very friendly and helpfull. Definitely worth another visit to take it all in. Some Pictures below :-

A rare sighting – Cheshire Cats at Forest Cafe, Tongwynlais, 20th June, 2024

Published 17th June 2024

I know what you are all thinking – why am I displaying a picture of a group of Cheshire Cats here ? Yes they are all grinning and enjoying that fantastic place – Forest Cafe. A rural, organic group of timber buildings set in a Forest. And really friendly staff, good food and reasonable prices to boot ! Now you know the secret of the Cheshire Grin.

Our ride was about 40 minutes each way and mostly on flat cycle paths. Starting at Pettigrews Tea Rooms, Bute Park, we rode gently up the Taff Trail, appreciating the beauty of the river and trees that run alongside it.

Our journey ended at Forest Cafe, just beyond Tongwynlais. Such pleasant weather too. What a great day !

Short Ride Friday – Next Event – mid July

Published 8th May 2024


This special event will take place in Mid July (date to be decided) – starting at 10:30am outside Pettigrews Tea Rooms, Bute Park – arriving by 11:00am at Pedal Power Cafe, Pontcanna Caravan Park

This ride is totally within the Park so new members can have a safe, enjoyable ride and gain confidence. Other members will be on hand to advise.

If you are unable to cycle at the moment you can still meet us at Pettigrews and walk to our destination. There are also bus stops and car parks very close to Pedal Power itself. You don’t even need to cycle!

“Short Ride Day” will be held on dates given in advance. This event will also allow our group to have regular meetings and to socialize. It will occur whatever the weather (unless cancelled in extreme weather) .

Another benefit of this event will be to introduce members of u3a to the services and facilities at Pedal Power – they are a charity and will actively help people to cycle despite most disabilities and health problems. They actually do “assessments” of people’s needs. So help is available.

Pedal Power Cafe is positioned in an idylic green setting and has comfortable seating. Sometimes on a Friday, a guitarist from the Royal Welsh School of Music and Drama plays background music.

You can contact our Convenor, Rob Morris, by clicking below.
