
Short Ride Friday – Next Event – mid July


This special event will take place in Mid July (date to be decided) – starting at 10:30am outside Pettigrews Tea Rooms, Bute Park – arriving by 11:00am at Pedal Power Cafe, Pontcanna Caravan Park

This ride is totally within the Park so new members can have a safe, enjoyable ride and gain confidence. Other members will be on hand to advise.

If you are unable to cycle at the moment you can still meet us at Pettigrews and walk to our destination. There are also bus stops and car parks very close to Pedal Power itself. You don’t even need to cycle!

“Short Ride Day” will be held on dates given in advance. This event will also allow our group to have regular meetings and to socialize. It will occur whatever the weather (unless cancelled in extreme weather) .

Another benefit of this event will be to introduce members of u3a to the services and facilities at Pedal Power – they are a charity and will actively help people to cycle despite most disabilities and health problems. They actually do “assessments” of people’s needs. So help is available.

Pedal Power Cafe is positioned in an idylic green setting and has comfortable seating. Sometimes on a Friday, a guitarist from the Royal Welsh School of Music and Drama plays background music.

You can contact our Convenor, Rob Morris, by clicking below.
