This page shows 2 different ways of displaying Documents. The first two require files to be placed in folders, the last is simply a set of links to the files.
Use of Document Gallery option has been withdrawn due to incompatibilities.
Use of FileBird Document Gallery option
This option lists all the documents in a Folder and shows the File Name along with the size, date and type of file. There is no requirement or facility to show a description so the filename needs to be clear as to the contents of the file.
This Gallery is assed via the menu of block types, selecting FileBird Document Gallery and selecting the folder from the block options on the right. Documentation for this option is available.
The block type allows for the selection of the folder from a list, can display in grid or list formats and can allow for several pages and combinations of multiple folders.
Listing of Documents by links
This option simply involves typing the file name or description and then linking it to the file. The files do not therefore have to be in a folder but can be uncategorised. However, this may make it more difficult to maintain version control over time.
Example 4: List of Files with Links
November 2022 Committee Minutes
Example 5: List of Files with Links in List Format