Dungeons and Dragons

Come and Play Dungeons & Dragons

You may have read Peter Grehan’s piece in this year’s magazine. Peter is co-convenor of the Wordsmiths group and also plays D&D with us. He brought the two together by chronicling an episode of the story we are creating in our current campaign (Clearing of the Keep). People tend not to know about this aspect of the game.

The D&D group is just over a year old. In that time, we have had some enquiries and a couple of people have come along to watch us play. Unfortunately, our game has a full complement of players and we couldn’t invite anyone to join us. However, we now find ourselves in the position of potentially starting a second game.

To that end, we would like to run a single session “one shot”, a short scenario to be finished in 2 or 3 hours. D&D is very newcomer friendly. No experience is required. We’ll provide all you need to play. Just bring along your imagination!

Drop me a mail (dungeons.dragons@cardiffu3a.org.uk) , if you’d like to give it a try. If we get enough interest we’ll organise a mutually agreeable date for a game.
