
Contact the Convenor Liz Ferrand or Tony Perkins

Want to play Ukulele with others?

A meeting of members interested in playing Ukulele was held and a new Ukulele group started in the Spring of 2023.

The ukulele group is a mixture of members who have played before and some who would like to learn.

The emphasis is on having fun playing and singing together.

More experienced players are able to give advice but the group is not a class and there will be no formal teaching. It is expected that completely new players will build on the help given in the meeting and develop their skills between meetings (YouTube videos are really useful for this). There is no need to be able to read music; we play from chord diagrams printed next to lyrics.

Whether you are an accomplished player with all the chords and rhythms or whether you just play a couple of chords and sing along everyone is welcome.

Members will need their own ukulele but might like to come along to a meeting to see what it is all about before making a purchase. Where possible, members print their own copies of songs so it is worth contacting the convenor before coming along to find out what has been planned.

Meetings are fortnightly on Mondays at City URC, Windsor Place.

All meetings are from 10.30am to 12 noon.

Latest news from the group

Want to play Ukulele with others?

Published 14th January 2023

A group of members interested in playing Ukulele met and a new group has been planned to start on Mon 13th February 10.30am -12noon at SightLife, Jones Court, Womanby Street CF10 1BR
