Members may decide to share cars to travel to an event, but this cannot be arranged by Cardiff u3a and must be on an informal arrangement between those involved. Any accident arising from the driving of a vehicle would fall outside the scope of our public liability insurance as motor insurance is a separate matter and such incidents are covered under a motor insurance policy.
Can u3a members offer lifts to other members and accept money towards petrol costs without compromising their car insurance policy?
Yes. But it is recommended that this is done as an informal arrangement between members.
Does the public liability insurance provide any cover whilst members are travelling in other members’ cars or on a coach or minibus?
The question of accidents in motor vehicles is complex. Any accident arising from the driving of a vehicle would fall outside the scope of public liability insurance because motor insurance is an entirely separate matter and such incidents are covered under a motor insurance policy. This would normally include accidents which occur whilst mounting or dismounting a vehicle. However, on a coach where one member is injured by the actions of another member in circumstances which have nothing to do with the vehicle, it may be covered by the public liability insurance.
What happens if I parked my car in a recognised car park whilst on u3a activities and it is damaged?
The policy provided is an insurance against the legal liability of the u3a and so any claim would have to prove negligence in some way against the u3a, for example, it would have to be shown that any accident to a parked car, whether in a recognised car park or not, has been occasioned wholly or in part by the negligence of the u3a. This would not normally arise just because the car owner had permission to use a recognised car park at, for example, a local school or village hall. For a claim to succeed against the u3a, the car owner would have to show that he had been led to expect that his property would be protected and would have to show that the u3a or its agents, had been negligent in failing to provide the proper level of protection.
VEST offers low cost minibus transport and has been used successfully by the Gardening Group. They are at and on 029 20 490335