Annual General Meeting 2024

This is to give notice that the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Cardiff u3a will be held at 2.00 pm on Tuesday November 12th at The United Reformed Church, Windsor Place Cardiff.

All members of the current Executive Committee must retire at the AGM. Up to 12 members may serve on the Executive Committee, with a minimum of 5. If you wish to nominate a member to serve on the Executive Committee, please obtain their consent, and download and complete the nomination form following the link below. The nomination must be seconded by another member. The nomination can also be handwritten or sent by email but must be returned by Monday, October 28th 2024.

Please send nominations to:

The Secretary, Cardiff u3a, c/o City URC, Windsor Place, CARDIFF CF10 3BZ

or to:

Proxy votes

If you are not able to be with us in person, you are now able to nominate another member to vote on your behalf. You will find the proxy nomination form which includes instructions on how to use it with the other documents listed on this page.

Choosing a proxy means that your vote counts toward the quorum

Matters requiring a vote:

  1. Accepting the minutes of the AGM held on Tuesday 14th November 2023 as correct.
  2. Receiving and accepting the Treasurers report and accounts
  3. Electing members to serve on the Executive Committee